Friday 5 June 2015

Meet the Mole

Mole and Rocky Lobster
 I have a new furrmily member. Meet Bertie Mole, who came into my life 3 weeks ago and totally transformed it for the better. although the first week felt like a baptism of fire! Here's what I've learned so far:
  • I can live with mess - my OCD tendencies to make sure everything is neat and tidy have had to be tamed as I now live among the likes of skinny squirrel, rocky lobster, a chewy bone thingy and the odd tennis ball....not to mention the occasional accident when we don't make it to the garden on time! 
  • Talking of which, my perfectionist streak holds no water when it comes to toilet training...but, after the turmoil of the first week, I now don't beat myself up if there is an accident - sh*t happens and it can be cleaned up.
  • You can get a daily workout without leaving your home when you have childgates in doorways and any other piece of furniture you can grab that can work as a barrier to prevent small puppy limbs being damaged by stairs. 
  • Practising yoga takes on a whole new dimension  - downward facing dog with a puppy dangling from your hair? No problem! And it's all worth it when young puppster settles down on your chest as you recline on a pranyami pillow at the end.
  •  Getting up at 6am and going to bed at 11pm means I get so much more done in a day AND I actually sleep for the full 7 hours right through to my alarm. 
  • Dogs and cats can live together very happily - although Mr Stripey thinks I've taken complete leave of my senses.
  • You meet so many people when you go out with a puppy - we can't get down Tring High Street or round the garden centre without people coming up to say hello, which is lovely. And, young Mole is becoming quite a celebrity in my usual coffee haunts where he's been made to feel very welcome with lots of cuddles.
  • Having a puppy fall asleep on your lap in the evening is the best way to end a day.
 So, despite the little whirlwind that's entered my life, and the disruption that has followed, would I give him back? Absolutely not! I'm totally out of my comfort zone but loving every minute of his company. 

Kathryn White is owner and director of Cathean Ltd Medical and Copy Writing Services. She is a published medical and equestrian writer with a passion for creating compelling text in collaboration with her clients from pharmaceutical, healthcare and equestrian businesses across the world. 

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